Dienstag, 18. März 2008

Ramiro Miqueli German Biography

Ramiro Miqueli ist ein mehrsprachiger Management Experte mit vielseitiger internationaler Erfahrung in Leitung und Finanzierung in Branchen wie Werbung, industrieller Produktion, Medien und Verlagswesen.

Er lebte 19 Jahre in seinem Geburtsort San Antonio de los Banos in Havanna, Kuba, wo er auch seine elementare Schulbildung erhielt. Kuba ist die größte Insel der großen Antillen und liegt 90 Meilen südlich der USA zwischen dem Golf von Mexiko, dem Atlantischen Ozean und dem Karibischen Meer. San Antonio ist eine typische Spanische Kleinstadt 18 Meilen südlich von Havanna. Die Einzigartigkeit der Stadt zeigt sich in einem kleinen Fluss, der die Stadt durchquert aber nicht direkt im Meer mündet, sondern für eine lange Strecke unterirdisch weiterfließt, bevor er im Karibischen Meer mündet.

Ramiro Miquelis Vorfahren waren Italienisch und Spanisch, sein Stammbaum lässt sich bis 1725 zurückverfolgen. Sein Vater, Miguel Miqueli, war zwanzig Jahre lang Vorsteher des Amtsgerichts in San Antonio, bevor er eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Unternehmer begann. Er beschäftigte über 250 Leute in einer Bäckerei, zwei Ziegelbrennereien und 15 Mietshäusern in Havanna. Ramiros Mutter widmete ihr ganzes Leben der Erziehung von fünf Kindern; Jose, Miguel, Ramiro, Oscar und Mario. Ramiros Eltern und der jüngste Bruder sind inzwischen verstorben.

Ramiro Miqueli beendete seine Grundausbildung in der Privatschule Academia Atenas als respektierter Schüler. Die Highschool beendete er an einer anderen Privatschule, der Pitman Acadamy. Danach schrieb er sich als Student für Elektroingenieure an der Universität Havanna ein.

Nach der kommunistischen Revolution in Kuba 1959 entschiedet seine Familie 1961 in die USA zu emigrieren. Sie kamen nach New York, zogen aber kurz später weiter nach New Jersey. Seinen ersten Job fand Ramiro als Tellerwäscher in New York. Seine Familie eröffnete Juwelierläden in New Jersey und erhielt nach fünf Jahren die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.

1964 wurde Ramiro Miqueli in die US Army eingezogen und leistete zwei Jahre seinen Militärdienst in einer Kavaleriedivision in Vietnam. Nach seinem aktiven Dienst, schrieb er sich 1966 an der New York University und später am St. Peters College in New Jersey ein, wo er 1970 mit einem Bachelor in Mathematik abschloss.

Im College lernte Ramiro seine spätere Frau Mary kennen, die an der Rutgers Universität Literatur studierte. Sie heirateten im August 1970 und lebten für 26 Jahre in New Jersey.

Neben einem Vollzeitjob erlangte Ramiro Miqueli noch einen Master in Management 1977 von der Fairleigh Dickinson Universität und später einen Master in Verwaltung wieder am St Peters College 1995.

Seine Karriere begann bei AtlanticRichfield, Inc., einer großen Ölfirma als Programmierer und Analyst, wo er an der Entwicklung eines neuen Gehaltsabrechnungsprogramms beteiligt war.

1972 wechselte Ramiro Miqueli zu Shering-Plough, Inc., einer internationalen Pharma Firma als Manager für Verkäufe und Verfahrenstechnik. Sein internationales Einsatzgebiet erstreckte sich auf die USA, Lateinamerika und Europa.

1981 ging Ramiro Miqueli zu CBS Inc., der größte Medienkonzern der USA, als Wirtschafts- und Steuerprüfer. Er arbeitete erfolgreich mit vielen Mitarbeitern und verhalf der Firma zu einer signifikanten Steigerung der Betriebsergebnisse.

Nach zwanzig Jahren bei CBS gehörte er zu der Führungsriege und war Vizepräsident von TeleNoticas, einem Kabelkanal, der in Spanisch und Portugiesisch nach Lateinamerika sendet. Nebenbei betreute er die hispanischen Internet Suchmaschine LATAM und etablierte den Fernsehkanal CBS Brazil, der auf Portugiesisch von Miami nach Brasilien sendete.

1990 verabschiedete sich Ramiro Miqueli von CBS und startete mit vielen Partnern UnDosTres.com, eine Firma die online Radio- und Fernsehshows für die Spanischsprachige Bevölkerung Amerikas ausstrahlte. Erfolgreich sammelten sie über drei Millionen Dollar Startkapital und schlossen Werbeverträge in Höhe eine Viertelmilliarde Dollar ab.

Die Firma wurde ein voller Erfolg und nach zwei Jahren verkaufte Ramiro Miqueli seine Anteile und widmete sich anderen Unternehmungen.

2004 ging Ramiro Miqueli als Geschäftsführer zu InterTransfers Inc., einer Firma die Finanzdienstleistungen anbietet. Als Geschäftsführer leitet er das Tagesgeschäft und erschließt neue Märkte. InterTransfers operiert hauptsächlich im Überweisungsbereich und wird hauptsächlich von Auswanderern genutzt, die Geld an Ihre Familien in der Heimat schicken.

Zusammen mit anderen Partnern rief Ramiro Miqueli ein effizientes Anti-Geldwäsche Programm ins Leben, welches die Selbstkontrolle und die Zusammenarbeit mit den entsprechenden Behörden fokussierte.

Neben seiner vielen Arbeit, genießt Ramiro Miqueli das Leben mit seiner Frau Mary, seinen beiden Söhnen und zwei Enkeln in Palmetto Bay, Florida.

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Dienstag, 11. März 2008

Ramiro Miqueli: Freedom of Speech

Factual or Sensational News?

Freedom of expression is a constitutional right and a right guaranteed under international law to speak freely without censorship. This right allows individuals to disagree with others, including the government and powerful organizations, which by their own might may try to suppress, silence, intimidate or embarrass others. The right is not confined to verbal speech, but it tries to protect any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

Some suggest that avoiding accountability is the main reason why governments suppress free speech. For that reason, the Freedom of Speech is a right protected by the Constitution, the highest law of the land. However, it is also well established that the First Amendment right does not protect a person in cases where the speech involves defamatory statements or speech that would cause generalized panic reactions, fighting or inflamatory words, speech that would incite people to commit crime or speech where obscenities are expressed. Sensational news that by innuendo, suggestion or implied figures result in one of the exceptions, such as defamation of character, should not have First Amendment protection either.

Journalists have the right to publish stories and express their points of views. The media is one of the most powerful vehicles to report news, share information, create and document history. Television, radio, cable, newspapers, magazines and on-line blogs are part of our daily lives.

But with freedom comes responsibility. News published should be factual, well balanced and must be true statements. Objective news demand objective research and verification of facts to convey the truth. Defamation, negligence and sensational stories where the facts are either totally untrue or are exaggerated have been in the increase among reputable television news, newspapers and organization news. Some believe that American main television organizations (CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN) and newspapers (The New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press) are driven by program ratings and sensational news to improve their gains, regardless of whether anyone is dragged through the mud by defamatory statements made in the process.

Dan Rather anchored CBS Evening News since 1981 until his demise in March 2005. At the end of Rather's time as anchor, CBS nightly news program was behind in the ratings. Criticism of Rather reached a new low after 60 Minutes ran Rather’s report about President’s Bush military record. Critics questioned the authenticity of the documents supporting the report, which turned out to be forgeries. Rather retired under pressure as the anchor of the CBS Evening News in March 2005. Was Rather’s demise caused by poor ratings? Was the culprit an uncontrolled pressure to air sensational news that would improve the ratings? Was it biased reporting? Maybe irresponsible journalism? And at the end of it all, how would President Bush’s reputation be restored?

In February 2008, the Associated Press published an article about a civil action filed by the US Government against several Colombian bureaus of exchange houses or “Casas de Cambio”. The headline was, “Huge drug euro laundering scheme found.” The article read, as though it was a matter of fact, “crime is happening right on schedule in Miami…” While the article clearly states that the law enforcement authorities have been unable to find evidence for their allegations, the article goes on describing what seems to be merely the U.S. Justice Department’s wishful theory described as a complex arrangement involving money exchange businesses in Colombia, American and British airlines and financing firms in Miami and London. The article also states –arguably to avoid any lawsuits-- that the companies involved have not been accused or charged with any wrongdoing.

The U.S. Attorney for the U.S. District Court of Southern Florida assigned to this case apparently decided not to pursue the case for lack of evidence. In February 2008, the U.S. Justice Department went to federal court in Miami and filed a civil action --not a criminal one-- to seek forfeiture of approximately $11 million. However, the Justice Department “negotiated” the return of the funds with the Casas de Cambio without arguing the case in court for lack of evidence. The article mentioned nothing about the speedy negotiations initiated by the U.S. Government to return the funds it had seized. Was this omission purposely made to create sensational news? Not having charged, arrested or convicted any individual or company, why was this article ever published? Is it responsible journalism?

Another story of irresponsible journalism seems to be the case of an article published by The New York Times on February 21, 2008 about Senator John McCain, GOP presidential front runner for the presidential election in November. The article suggested the occurrence of a romantic (improper) relationship between Senator McCain and Vicki Iseman, who is a lobbyist. Even though McCain’s advisors provided ample proof to The New York Times about the truth of the matter, it published the story anyway without giving any consideration to the damage it would cause to the reputation of Senator McCain and Ms. Isemen. Was that article published because the story had sexy overtones that would make sensational news about the GOP presidential front runner? Was it published with the distinct purpose to harm Mr. McCain’s campaign because of The New York Times’ liberal political views? Was it irresponsible reporting?

While freedom of speech is a constitutional right, it should not be used by the media as a license to publish irresponsible articles filed with sensational statements with the knowledge that the mere mention, suggestion or innuendo of sex, money and politics will result in better ratings and an easy buck while at the same time unfairly destroying the reputation of law abiding citizens and companies.

InterTransfers: Press Awards

Press Awards

In 2007 the “Raspamania” T.V. commercial created for InterTransfers was the winner of the Press Award 2007. The commercial was created by Vitale Advertising and was produced, directed, shot and edited by Mr. Neil Nunez and n2 Productions Group.

The “Raspamania” commercial was broadcast to reach the Brazilian American population in the continental United States. The 30-second commercial promoted InterTransfers’ remittance services to Brazil through its network of owned and operated stores as well as agents throughout Florida, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Georgia and South Carolina.

InterTransfers is a money services business authorized to operate in the states mentioned above and it is registered with the federal authorities. Although the “Raspamania” commercial only advertised the remittance services and only targeted the Brazilian American market, InterTransfers is not limited to that market or to that type of service. In addition to the money remittance services to Brazil, InterTransfers also provides remittance services to the Hispanic countries in Latin America, such as Ecuador, Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Panama and other countries of destination. InterTransfers also offers foreign currency exchange services in the state of Florida with as varied an inventory of currencies as to include, euro, Mexican pesos, Brazilian reais, Colombian pesos, Bahamian Dollars, Danish crowns, Japanese Yen, among many others.

InterTransfers also offers whole sale check cashing services in the state of Florida only to about over 60 customers.

In 2008 InterTransfers plans to launch, with the invaluable help of Vitale Advertising, a series of new commercials to promote its remittances to Brazil and other countries, as well as other services. It is to hope that more Press Awards are still to come.

Recent blog posts

Montag, 3. März 2008

InterTransfers, Ramiro Miqueli

InterTransfers é uma companhia voltada a soluções financeiras. InterTransfers atende as necessidades do público no que diz respeito principalmente a envios de dinheiro ou remessas. InterTransfers tem mais de vinte anos da experiência no Mercado Internacional em câmbio de moedas, envio de dinheiro e outros. InterTransfers é uma companhia americana autorizada pelo Departamento de bancos do Estado da Flórida para compra e venda de moedas. InterTransfers é também autorizada para envios e recebimentos de dinheiro. Além InterTransfers é autorizada para money orders e prestação de services co-ligados.

InterTransfers es una compañía que enfoca asuntos financieros. InterTransfers atiende las necesidades del publico, especialmente en lo que respecta a envío de remesas de dinero. InterTransfers tiene más de veinte años de experiencia en el Mercado Internacional en cambio de monedas, envío de dinero y otros. InterTransfers es una compañía Americana autorizada por el Departamento Bancario del Estado de la Florida para compra-venta de monedas. InterTransfers también es autorizada para el envío y recibo de dinero. Además InterTransfers Money Orders y prestación de servicios correspondientes.

InterTransfers is a company that focus on financial solutions in assisting the public. InterTransfers principally works in matters of money remittance. Altogether InterTransfers has more than 20 years of experience in currency exchange. InterTransfers also has 20 years experience in money remittance, and other endeavors. InterTransfers is an American corporation authorized by the State of Florida to buy and sell currency. InterTransfers also does remittance. In addition, InterTransfers receives money orders and perform other co-related services.

Sonntag, 2. März 2008


InterTransfers é uma companhia voltada a soluções financeiras e atende as necessidades do público no que diz respeito principalmente a envios de dinheiro ou remessas. InterTransfers tem mais de vinte anos da experiência no Mercado Internacional em câmbio de moedas, envio de dinheiro e outros. InterTransfers é uma companhia americana autorizada pelo Departamento de bancos do Estado da Flórida para compra e venda de moedas, e envios e recebimentos de dinheiro, money orders e prestação de services co-ligados.


InterTransfers is a company that focus on financial solutions in assisting the public principally on matters of money remittance. Altogether InterTransfers has more than 20 years of experience in currency exchange, money remittance, and others. InterTransfers is an American corporation authorized by the State of Florida to buy and sell currency, remittance and receiving money orders and perform other co-related services.


InterTransfers es una compañía que enfoca asuntos financieros y atiende las necesidades del publico, especialmente en lo que respecta a envío de remesas de dinero. InterTransfers tiene más de veinte años de experiencia en el Mercado Internacional en cambio de monedas, envío de dinero y otros. InterTransfers es una compañía Americana autorizada por el Departamento Bancario del Estado de la Florida para compra-venta de monedas, envío y recibo de dinero, Money Orders y prestación de servicios correspondientes.


InterTransfers é uma companhia voltada a soluções financeiras e atende as necessidades do público no que diz respeito principalmente a envios de dinheiro ou remessas. InterTransfers tem mais de vinte anos da experiência no Mercado Internacional em câmbio de moedas, envio de dinheiro e outros. InterTransfers é uma companhia americana autorizada pelo Departamento de bancos do Estado da Flórida para compra e venda de moedas, e envios e recebimentos de dinheiro, money orders e prestação de services co-ligados.

InterTransfers es una compañía que enfoca asuntos financieros y atiende las necesidades del publico, especialmente en lo que respecta a envío de remesas de dinero. InterTransfers tiene más de veinte años de experiencia en el Mercado Internacional en cambio de monedas, envío de dinero y otros. InterTransfers es una compañía Americana autorizada por el Departamento Bancario del Estado de la Florida para compra-venta de monedas, envío y recibo de dinero, Money Orders y prestación de servicios correspondientes.

InterTransfers is a company that focus on financial solutions in assisting the public principally on matters of money remittance. Altogether InterTransfers has more than 20 years of experience in currency exchange, money remittance, and others. InterTransfers is an American corporation authorized by the State of Florida to buy and sell currency, remittance and receiving money orders and perform other co-related services.